Overall Objectives
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Yves Bertot is program co-chair, with Viktor Vafeiadis from MPI-SWS in Germany for the ACM conference Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) to be held in Paris in January 2017. Most of the editorial activities took place in 2016.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Cyril Cohen was reviewer for the conferences CSL 2016 and ITP 2016. Laurent Théry was a reviewer for the conferences TACAS'17 and CPP'17. Benjamin Grégoire was a reviewer for TACAS. Benjamin Grégoire was a reviewer for PoPL 2017.


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Cyril Cohen was a reviewer for Journal of Automated Reasoning. Laurent Théry was a reviewer for Journal of Automated Reasoning and Journal of Symbolic Computation. Yves Bertot was a reviewer for Journal of Automated Reasoning and Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications.

Invited Talks

Laurent Théry gave an invited talk at MAP'16 (Mathematics, Algorithms, and Proofs).

Cyril Cohen gave an invited talk at the ELFIC seminar on the Paris-Saclay campus (Elfic stands for Éléments finis formellement vérifiés).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Yves Bertot and Maxime Dénès have been working on setting up a Consortium of users for the Coq system. The consortium should start in the early days of 2017. Yves Bertot, Enrico Tassi, and Maxime Dénès were invited to the kick-off meeting of the Expedition in Computing entitled “the science of deep specification” funded by the NSF foundation, along with three other developers from the pi.r2 project-team, as expert developers of the Coq system. This kick-off meeting took place in June.

Scientific Expertise

Research Administration